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Disproving 5 Common Myths about Limestone Paving

We know how exciting it is to plan an outdoor renovation project like a new patio, walkway, or pool area. But with all the different paving material options out there, it can get confusing really fast — especially when it comes to natural stones like limestone. As a landscape supplier, we have worked with limestone for years. During this time, we heard so many myths and misconceptions about limestone pavers that just aren’t true.

Today, we want to clear up those myths once and for all, as limestone is really a great paving choice.

Myth 1: Limestone is Fragile and Unsuitable for Outdoor Use

Limestone is actually an extremely durable and hardy material. It’s a sedimentary rock made up of calcite, which gives it an incredibly dense and solid structure.

Don’t let the name fool you – limestone has nothing to do with soft, crumbly chalk. It has been used for centuries across the world. If you need proof of their durability, then look at the Egyptian pyramids or the Parthenon (limestone was used as a foundation) in Greece.

When it comes to outdoor applications, limestone pavers can withstand bad weather conditions. They don’t get damaged by extreme temperatures, hot or cold. The pavers hold up great to sunlight, rain, and snow. All that you will need to achieve this is just proper sealing. With it, limestone is absolutely suitable for any outdoor project.

Myth 2: Limestone Absorbs Heat and Becomes Uncomfortably Hot

This is a false statement. Limestone is a great heat-resistant paving material. Thanks to its unique properties, limestone paver surfaces are kept cooler, even during scorching days. There are two main reasons for this:

  • Limestone is naturally light in colour. This allows it to reflect rather than absorb heat from the sun’s rays.
  • Limestone is porous and acts as an insulator. The porous surface allows heat to transfer down through the paver rather than radiating back up. So the top stays cooler while the heat dissipates below.

Myth 3: Limestone Cannot Be Used Around Pools Due to Water Absorption

It’s true that limestone is a porous material that can absorb water. However, this myth gets it wrong when it comes to using limestone pavers around pools and wet areas. With the right precautions, limestone makes an excellent poolside paving choice.

The key is making sure to use high-quality, properly sealed limestone pavers. This sealing process fills the porous surface and prevents water absorption. The pavers are also salt-tested to ensure they can withstand constant exposure to pool water and chemicals.

Even beyond pools, sealing is crucial for any limestone paver application. It reduces the porosity so spills and moisture can’t penetrate and cause staining or damage over time. A good sealer essentially makes the limestone stain-resistant and low-maintenance.

Myth 4: Limestone is Slippery When Wet

This myth has some truth to it, but also misleads when it comes to limestone’s slip resistance. It all depends on the specific finish of the limestone paver.

Polished limestone tiles or pavers do tend to become very slick and slippery when moisture is present. The glossy, polished surface provides no traction at all when wet.

However, that’s not the case for limestone with a honed finish. Honed limestone has a matte, textured surface that maintains excellent slip resistance even when wet. The subtle rough texture provides ample grip underfoot.

If you are interested in installing limestone paving in an area that is exposed to water and moisture, then check for options with a honed finish.

Myth 5: Limestone is Difficult to Clean and Maintain

There are no challenges in keeping limestone paving clean, and it’s not difficult to maintain it.

For routine cleaning, you just need mild soap and warm water. No harsh chemicals are required that could damage or discolour the limestone. A simple mop with a soft cloth or sponge is all it takes to remove dirt and grime. But again, this will only work if it is properly sealed.

Final word

All the myths and misinformation out there about limestone just don’t hold up. This paving material has been proven over centuries to be durable, low-maintenance, and perfectly suited for outdoor living.

If you’re searching for a new paving for your outdoor space, then check out our selection of limestone paving slabs. We will be happy to answer any other questions that you may have. Also, if you want to learn more about limestone, then check out our post “Limestone Paving: a Comprehensive Guide to Types and Styles”.

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