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Wall Cladding Panels

Natural Stone and Timber offer a range of high-quality natural stone Wall Cladding Panels and split Face walling, that are perfect for internal and external cladding applications. These handcrafted natural stone cladding panels will quickly transform any existing or purpose-built structures from garden walls to fireplace surrounds.

Our range of beautiful stone cladding offer a market leading selection of products, at the very cutting edge of today's home and garden design trends.

Key Features of Wall Cladding Panels

Low Maintenance: Wall cladding panels require minimal attention for maintenance.

Aesthetics: Cladding panels lend a stunning appearance to your home or garden walls.

Shield: Cladding panels serve as a protective shield for your walls, guarding them against weather elements, moisture, and wear, thus prolonging their lifespan.

FAQs about Wall Cladding Panels

What is wall cladding?

Wall cladding involves applying a layer of material to an existing wall for both aesthetic and protective purposes. It adds visual appeal whilst also shielding the surface from external elements.

How long do wall cladding panels typically last?

With proper maintenance, quality panels can last 20-30 years or more.

Can I install wall cladding panels myself?

In some cases, it is possible to do it on your own, but we personally recommend hiring a professional for this job.

How do I choose the right cladding for my garden?

Consider your desired aesthetic, the existing landscape, and the overall theme of your outdoor space. Our diverse range ensures you'll find a perfect match for your vision.

Can wall cladding be used outdoors?

Yes, our collection includes outdoor-specific wall cladding panels designed to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting beauty and durability.

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